Premnagar, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad-201003

Office Address

Khasra No. 874, Gali No-4, Sihani Road

Phone Number


Email Address

who we are

Quality & Integrity Service Agency

About Company

Balaji Associates is a company that was established in the year 2011. Since its inception, the company has been dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to its customers. Over the years, Balaji Associates has built a strong reputation for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.Balaji Associates takes pride in its skilled and experienced team, who work diligently to deliver innovative solutions and exceed customer expectations.

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About Us

Balaji Associates takes pride in its skilled and experienced team, who work diligently to deliver innovative solutions and exceed customer expectations.One of the core values of Balaji Associates is integrity, and they prioritize ethical business practices in all their operations. This commitment to ethical conduct has contributed to the company's success and trust among its clients and partners.
Balaji Associates remains focused on growth and continuous improvement, constantly exploring new opportunities and expanding its presence in the market. They stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies to ensure they deliver cutting-edge products and services. In addition to its business endeavors, Balaji Associates also recognizes the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and actively participates in various initiatives to give back to the community and contribute to a better society.